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Clinton's buy a house
Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. So you want to buy the old Rye Brook place?
That's $2.2 million, and with the customary 20 percent down (which is
$440,000) leaves a mortgage of $1,760,000. Now let's have a look at your
financial statements . . .

Let's see, Mr. Clinton, you are the president of the United States, of
course, and your salary is $200,000 a year. We recommend buying a house that
costs no more than two and a half times your annual salary. That means you
should be looking for around $500,000, perhaps a nice brick home? I see here
that you'll be out of a job in 11 months or so. What will you do then? Open
a library? In Little Rock, Arkansas? Yee dawgies . . . I bet that will be
some kind of money maker!

Mrs. Clinton, you're running for Senate, right? Senators are paid $130,000 a
year (assuming, of course, you're elected) so even with your pension you're
still looking at a house in the $825,000 range. Maybe a nice center-hall

Mrs. Clinton, you haven't worked outside the house since 1991? But you did
some volunteer work, I see. You tried to overhaul the entire national health
care system? I see. But no one was interested? But you have other
experience? Oh yes, I see you had several business ventures back in
Arkansas. How about this Whitewater Development Corp.? It went bankrupt.
And Madison Guaranty? Bankrupt. And Castle Grande? Bankrupt, too. You
actually did go to Yale, you claim? A little bad luck with the law, too, I
see. Three of your business partners went to jail. This is embarrassing, I
know, but we have to ask because it does, after all, affect your ability to

Any problems in your marriage? No? Fine. Let's look at your assets: you
$4.5 million. Mr. Clinton, how do you expect to pay that off? Oh! You're
hoping people will donate to a special fund? So basically you're relying on
the kindness of strangers. That's nice. You also have some serious
expenses. A kid at a Stanford has got to be setting you back $30,000 to
$35,000 a year, probably more with the air
fares. And she wants to go to medical school? That's nice too. Any legal
problems? I see a $90,000 fine for perjury. I guess that rules out putting
your law degree to work. Say, how do we know you're not lying on your loan
application? (Of course it would look a lot better if you WERE lying.)

Are there any other legal matters we should know about, Mrs. Clinton? You
don't think she's going to get hit with a perjury or obstruction of justice
rap. But we're not totally sure right? That means there's a remote
possibility note that I say "remote" ~ that you could be trying to pay off a
$1.76 million mortgage while making 12 cents an hour stitching mailbags for
the feds, and while Mr. Clinton is trying to make a go of a library in Little

OK, let's review the situation . . . one of you is now unemployed and the
other one soon will be. Your business partners are in jail. You have debts
equivalent to over 22 times your annual income (that you're hoping someone is
going to come along and pay). And a looming criminal indictment. And your
tangible assets seem to consist of an old Ford . . . we'll give you a call.
Submitted By: Anonymous...

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