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Useless Information
Michael Jordan makes more money of Nike than all of the factory workers in Malaysia combined.

Dolphins and humans are the only mammals that have sex for pleasure.

All polar bears are left handed.

Stewardessess is the longest word in the English language that can be typed using only the left hand.

Typewriter is the longest word in the English language that can be typed using only the keys on one row of the keyboard.

No word in the English language rhymes with month.

An ant always falls on it's right side when intoxicated.

If the population of China walked past you in a single file line the line would never end due to the rate of reproduction.

There are more English speaking people in China than in the US

At the height of the cold war the Americans made the smallest drill bit they possibly could and sent it to the Russians as a display of their power. The Russians promptly drilled a hole through it and sent it back.

Ex PM Margret Thatcher was on the University science team which developed the first portable ice cream machines that are used in Ice Cream vans.

If the Americans used a thrid less ice in their drinks the US would become a net exporter than an importer of energy.

There is an underground system which runs along side the London Underground which carries small trains for Royal Mail post. Most people in London have no idea it exists.

A "jiffy" is a unit of time: 3.3357 times 10 raised to the -11 (3.3357x10^-11) seconds. So named for the length of time it takes light to travel through a vacuum.

If you look at the Matrix poster you can see the word NOKIA written forwars and backwards throughout the whole poster. Nokia actualy made the 8110 phone that was used in the Matrix, but it was meant to be un-credited.

Submitted By: Anonymous...

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