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Work out Frustration
A guy gets sacked from his local supermarket for stealing. Fair enough its company policy. So what does he do in revenge? He goes into the office one day, claiming he just has to pick up a few things that he's left over in the changing room and he f ucking raped the boss! He bent him over sideways and stick his huge dick up his boss's ass!
And then john bloody rooney comes in who's the divisinoal director of the company and he see's this employee (real name James Kennedy) and the Deputy Manager (Dave Hughes) f*cking each other, this is where we have found out that Dave swings both ways, he wants it more than James does.
Then Matt Ramsden bursts him after hearing the screams (of delight), but Matt Ramsden is the worlds bigest son of a bitch, he walks out goes into the changing room, picks up a baseball bat that was taken off the shelves when the promotion offer finished (god knows how it ended up in the changing rooms), but eh gabs the bat and for some reason the first person he takes out is John Roony, the executive guy who he just stood there gobsmacked. He hits the floor with b lood pooring from the back of his head, Dave can see whats going on but he doesn't do anyhing, he's more bothered about the cock in his ass than the bat swinging towards his head S-M-A-C-K. Daves out like a light....the blow cracked his skull and as he lies there unconcious........James is still f*cking him!! S-M-A-C-K......not any more. Three bodies in the gaffers office....someone had better call the ambulance quick or else they won't make it due to severe head injuries......I'd better get the finger prints off this bat and dispose of it then hadn't i?
Submitted By: Anonymous...

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